Scale your small business

Your online business can only grow with right strategy and energy


I help female entrepreneurs create a brand, position on the market and drive dream  customers through websites or social media blogs

There are 3 core pillars of my work:
- brand marketing
- marketing & sales strategy
- leads generation and automation

which ensure that experts:
- have clear "how to"
- build an authentic brand and strong market positioning
- develop in their own pace and achieve desired results without burnout

My experience:
- 10+ years in online marketing
- 3+ years in social media marketing
- branding, visual design and customers development
- sales funnels and lead generation
- helped beauty salons, female health goods, handmade cloth stores, photographers, nutritionists, coaches, psychologists and other small business owners sell their services and goods online

Your online business can only grow with right strategy and energy


Being self-employed first of all is about constantly being yourself. It's about reinventing yourself, growing, and being an example to others. It's about maintaining balance. On one side, there is strong mindset and self-efficacy, on the other, there is structure, strategy, and automation. Small business cannot be permanently successful just through 'positive thinking' or motivation. Most entrepreneurs fail because they do not act strategically and experience is missing to go through the toughest business launch moments. This is about money, scaling, and realizing your wildest dreams. Are you ready for the best future you can imagine?

10+ years

in online and social media marketing

3+ years

launching online businesses

15+ niches

worked with me


happy customers worldwide

Book a free discovery call so we can discuss your situation and outline your strategic plan.

◦ During the call we will analyze your current situation, find blocking factors and outline a solution
◦ We will get to know each other and see if our common work will bring desired results

To start attracting regular clients and scaling your business, there are several steps you should take:

  • Define your target audience: Clearly identify who your ideal clients are, their needs, and how your products or services can solve their problems.
  • Develop a strong brand: Create a compelling brand identity that resonates with your target audience. This includes designing a professional logo, developing a consistent visual style, and crafting a unique value proposition.
  • Build an online presence: Establish a professional website and optimize it for search engines. Create engaging content that showcases your expertise and attracts your target audience. Utilize social media platforms to connect with potential clients and promote your business.
  • Implement effective marketing strategies: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes a mix of online and offline strategies. This may include content marketing, social media advertising, email marketing, networking, and collaborations with complementary businesses.
  • Provide exceptional customer service: Focus on delivering outstanding customer experiences to build loyalty and generate positive word-of-mouth referrals. Respond promptly to inquiries, address customer concerns, and go above and beyond to exceed expectations.
  • Continuously improve and innovate: Stay updated with industry trends and adapt your business strategies accordingly. Seek feedback from clients and use it to refine your offerings and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Automate and delegate: As your business grows, automate repetitive tasks and delegate non-core activities to free up your time for strategic planning and business development.

Remember, building a successful business takes time, effort, and perseverance. Stay focused, continuously learn and adapt, and always strive for excellence in serving your clients.

strategic marketing and online visibility

Why you should start right now?

The times when demand determined supply and the pursuit was for faster, higher, further are long gone. Today, it is much more about emotionally connecting with people, telling stories, making an impact on people's lives, and creating something sustainable and valuable. The world is undergoing a transformation.

It is no longer important to find a job that makes you happy for your entire life. Most people no longer strive for a suburban house in a small town; they sell everything for a free life in a van. And preferably with an online business that generates automated income and leaves plenty of room for self-realization. And that is exactly my passion. I help people make their passion visible, create a brand, and scale it.

I help you express yourself and your vision in all its facets, bring it to life. And believe me, no idea is too crazy. However, it takes not only belief in ourselves but also mindset, a touch of spirituality, and above all, tools, techniques, and structure. Because without strategy, the best idea usually remains just an impulse. I am perfect for people who feel that it is time for change and growth. Those who are ready for more success, more revenue, more depth, more ease, and more connection.

Your time is now.

The most important thing for me is that you have helped me grow and become more confident, allowing me to fully unleash my potential.

I have completely changed my perspective on what I do. I realized that marketing is essential in promoting oneself and one's business in the modern world. You can't just appear online with your product and expect people to come and buy it. I initially had reservations about marketing, thinking it was something like astrology and had no value. But I now understand that marketing is about building strategies, testing, and writing compelling texts for stories. I truly admire the incredible work you do and how you educate people, test hypotheses together, and practically understand how all these sales funnels and customer journeys function.

The most important thing for me is that you have helped me grow and become more confident, allowing me to fully unleash my potential. I now realize that this is a significant investment in my future, and I hope it will continue to be worth it. Overall, I am extremely grateful for everything you do and for the fact that my schedule is already booked for 4 months ahead. It gives me wings and immense inner strength!


I help brands stand out

Your digital visibility

I create brands and brand identities. It is not only making them visible, but also automate them. Design, concept, and implementation meet human design and brand identity. Sometimes I spend long hours in the night to design digital marketing strategy. From email marketing to websites, Instagram feeds, brand identity, visual design, or storytelling - write to me!
